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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Closet Before and After: Maryann

As a DYT veteran, I can't help but try to share this knowledge with everyone I know. Of course I do try to be tactful and wait for "opportune moments".

One such opportune moment came this Memorial weekend. I'll admit I only briefly mentioned this part of our big road trip in my post about it, but for me this was kind of a big deal. Being the catalyst of someone's journey of self-awareness through this program is exciting. And to have this gift so well-received was much appreciated.

Maryann is my father-in-law's wife and we have become friends. During that weekend we bonded over gardening and how cute my boys are. In fact, I can attribute the "opportune moment" to them.

We were discussing how similar yet different Jon and David are. To me, this of course makes sense because of their shared genetics and different Types. So, yes, I approached Dressing Your Truth through The Child Whisperer.

Explaining about how I can approach parenting my babies differently with the intent to honor their true natures segues quite nicely into introducing others to how they can discover their own natures in turn.

Plus I was able to point Maryann to my own experience as recorded here because I was also finishing the post about my closet purge while we were there.

The bonus for me was that Maryann was very open to watching the free Beauty Profiling course while I went through her closet. How nice of her to let me scratch my organization itch.

After viewing the course she decided that she is a dominant Type 1 with a secondary Type 4.

The course is fairly short and I wasn't done in her closet yet, so I pulled up some YouTube videos I had compiled to give some more context for the program.

Now, we know how I love makeovers but Carol had gone the next step of having members of her crew try on all the Types and share how they feel when not dressing their truth. Watching these was where Maryann got her big "Ah ha!" moment in seeing what a difference dressing your truth can make in your attitude, demeanor and confidence.

Unfortunately, there seems to have been a major pruning session in the online realms and those videos are now private. Furthermore, the Carol Tuttle online space recently went through a major consolidation as well and I cannot kind those videos anywhere.

Fortunately my angels listened to my frustrations and there is a new version of Carol in the other three Types. I just hope they will do the same for the other Types because I recall that each Type reacts to the other Types differently.

There are still plenty of makeover videos to watch at liveyourtruth.com. (Real Women, Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4) For those not already in the program, seeing these women's stories can be a great first step to be able to say, "That sounds just like me!"

Now, back to Maryann's closet.

This was her closet when I first walked in.

A fairly ordinary closet with straightforward organization but not much by way of cohesion or theme. most of us would be familiar with such a closet.

And here's her closet after my first go-through.

I was able to get it all sorted by Type and then the blouses by rainbow order within the Types.

Since then, they have finished a big closet remodel and Maryann has done some eliminating of her own. Here is her new closet or at least the sections of tops.

I can tell that Maryann is doing more to embrace her truth because the colors seem much brighter and happier to reflect her Type 1 nature. (I also suspect there is better natural lighting in the new closet.) She is still at the beginning of her journey but she can recognize what items aren't really her colors and being okay with the fact that she isn't quite ready to let go of all of those off-Type pieces. It took me a while to get rid of everything not Type 4 as well, so that is very normal. Just the awareness of what is truly right for you is a big first step.

With (DYT) I am more aware what is better for me inside and out. And now I see happy colors in my closet associated with my personality. What an education now to being clued in! With this new knowledge I am able to shop for who I am. It is really strengthening. -Maryann 

I wish Maryann all the best in her future journey and extend my assistance to anyone else who would like help in starting their DYT journeys. I can do the closet sorting but the true first step is figuring out what Type you are. My personal referral link is heatherh1.dressingyourtruth.com. It takes you to a login page so you can get signed in the system before viewing the Free Beauty Profiling course. I think my referral benefits kick in once you buy your Type's course.

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