In the interest of working on my bucket list in regards to my scar removal item, I have done an experiment using this link that suggests using plain honey as a face mask. I applied it three times a week for a month in May and now it is time to pull out the Before and After pictures.
To be honest, I don't see much of a difference If anything, in the course of the month I gained more blemishes. At face value, this is not encouraging. Fortunately, I have come to the conclusion that my acne is diet related and, therefore, controllable.
How have I come to this conclusion? I've already mentioned how I'm planning on doing another Whole 30 because I had noticed the skin clearing effects I experienced before. I controlled what I ate and my face healed itself. I am very much in favor of this healing inside and out result.
So, what I need to do different this time around is to do better with the Reintroduction phase to perhaps pinpoint exactly which things make me break out. I am thinking it is grain or refined sugar related, but we will find out for sure in August and September. So look forward to those posts.
(I think I'll mention briefly that I thought it was a good idea to wear the same outfit in my Before and After pictures. For continuity, it looks ok. For making sure I get them in the right order chronologically, it made for a bit of a headache. Thank goodness I was less exact in straightening in the After phase. Yeah for learning curves!)
Now for Bonus Features!
My idea with doing an oatmeal mask after a honey mask was to use the oatmeal to lessen the slight inflammation I experienced with the honey mask. Oatmeal by itself would have done this. I made the mistake of choosing an oatmeal mask that had cinnamon in it. The cinnamon made the inflammation worse. My face was red for at least a full hour after I removed the oatmeal mask. It at least looks pink in the photo. And the redness did fade back to normal levels...eventually.
This was the oatmeal mask I used. My link from Pintrest was broken, so I'm just using the image itself.
As a scar removal mask, this is my next experiment: to do the full four month program. My hope is that using this in conjunction with the Whole 30 will show more and better results than the honey mask did in the short time that I tried it.
Leave a comment and let me know if you've had any results using natural masks like these.
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