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Monday, September 12, 2016

Bucket List Report Item One: Exercise

October is approaching and so the dead line for my mini Bucket List is nearing. It seems to be time to start reporting my progress.

In my bucket list I talked about my plans for exercise. So far I feel like I'm making progress on that. I'm still doing my yoga every morning during the week. I've also added in some toning moves from a WIC pamphlet for post-pregnancy. Those added moves are some leg lifts, some light crunches, and a round of Cat-Cow moves.

In addition to that, I've started implementing the fitness program from the Change One diet book. The Change One diet is a 12 week program and the fitness program is an 8 week regimen. I'm currently on week 5.

The full 8 week program looks something like this:

As you can see, it starts out quite easy and gets progressively harder, but still do-able. For me, it's the added walking that feels like it's making the most difference, but that is what I've been doing the most of. And the boys love our walks to the park.

The new stretches are quite easy to do right after my usual yoga. Today was my first strengthening session, again right after my yoga. The steps are clearly illustrated in the book and for the 5 step routine, don't require any added equipment. The 8 step toning exercises only call for a resistance band and a jump rope. No weights needed for these toning exercises! Which is great since we don't have any yet. Fortunately I recently acquired a set of resistance bands from my mother. So I am set.

It's kind of funny because I'm starting this exercise program at the same time as doing our Whole30 diet, so it's hard to really tell how much of my toning is happening because of the diet cleanse and how much from the exercise itself. I expect to keep seeing results in the following weeks as I do more of the toning routines of the 8 week program.

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