About Me

Thursday, January 30, 2020

I'm Beginning my Year with PURPOSE!

Here's my late Happy New Year's post. I spent 2019 making and having a baby. Mr. Sam joined us in August and he's a bundle of smiles.

Bouncing Bundles of Smiles

That being said I've had a good excuse for not writing. I've come to terms with the fact that this is an "on-again, off-again" hobby for me. I've had my off year and now I'm ready for an on year.

The fun part is that each time I return to writing I find I've evolved so the blog does too. This year I'd like to introduce my (current) dream job.

I stumbled across an interesting Venn diagram on Pinterest a while back that is supposed to help you Find your Purpose.

This being circular you can fill it in at any starting point you choose.

What I get paid to do is easy because I already have my own small massage business. This is my chosen vocation because I found I had a talent for it at a young age. Being in my eighth year of business I can put more words to why/how I'm good at this job. My lower energy creates a very relaxing space for clients and my thoroughness inclines me to give an effective treatment to resolve physical issues of discomfort and decreased mobility. Basically, I can fix you as I put you to sleep.

What am I good at? Besides making really cute and fairly well-behaved babies, of course. Well, I fancy I'm really good at organizing and planning things. I like to clarify that I'm an organizer, not a cleaner, although I do enjoy some forms of deep cleaning. And then I am up late some nights because my brain goes into planning mode, somewhat unexpectedly, and I have a really hard time turning that off until I have some if not all the details of some project laid out in my mind.

These two aspects go into what I love doing. Recently my nighttime reveries were occupied with party planning, girls' nights specifically. I couldn't sleep until I had charted all the permutations that a social night for mommies could include. That may become a post of its own.

My organizing talents are generally aimed with the intention of creating beauty and efficiency out of chaos. My favorite example of this is creating capsule wardrobes. I find great satisfaction in using my keen eye for color and form to create an interchangeable set of outfits from overflowing closets. My intuition for composition also translates to interior and landscape design.

What does the world need that I feel that I can offer? A little bit of guidance to work toward harmony in any and all areas.

So to put my Purpose into a few words: I'm an editor.

I certainly don't feel qualified at this time to call myself a Life Coach, but I can offer my services and talents as a Life Editor. I can answer questions and help identify areas where changes may be needed and then follow through with the skills to make changes happen. It's easy to sell the more superficial tasks of tidying up but I feel that clearing things out can get to the roots of other issues as well.

So here's my dream business right now: "Prune to Bloom Life Editing". This hearkens to my skills using my green thumbs. My favorite gardening task is pruning in general but pruning roses specifically. My mother can vouch for me there ;) The idea with pruning is to remove dead or diseased parts and then to train the plant into the shape that best supports its growth. I feel this approach can be used for other areas in life, hence the name I've chosen. Bonus: I can make an acronym out of Prune that also handily describes my method.

But to see that acronym you'll need to tune in next month. I feel there is enough content in actually laying out a full description of this dream to fill another post. I'm already excited about this! Perhaps it's just the excitement of identifying my purpose in life which is something we all seek for. I hope that my enthusiasm will rub off. I'd love to hear if you've also Found Your Purpose.

Happy Blooming!

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